JHD Builders
JHD Builders
JHD Builders are a building contractor and are the main contractor for one of the UK’s largest private landlords in London supporting them with external works, refurbishments, relets, fencing and dis-aids and adapts.
Designer(s): Vishal Mayo
Developer(s): Vishal Mayo
Platform Built On: WordPress
The challenge
JHD Builders were looking to create a more professional website to represent their business due to their current one being fairly old and not truly representing the company how they wanted. The business has been growing over the past 30 years adding new services to their portfolio, and wanted to showcase themselves to new potential clients. A more modern design would help showcase the business in a more professional manner and hopefully engage with new customers by being a more attractive and visually engaging website for them.
The user
The company mainly focuses on working with local authorities and landlords to maintain and refurbish properties across London and surrounding areas. These two areas were still the main area of focus, along with the business to now also attract property owners and businesses looking to renovate there properties and location premises.
The outcome
JHD Builders website was designed with minimalism in mind. Allowing customers to focus on the services and professionalism of the business. JHD wanted to used the website to showcase a bit more about who they are to potential customers who have contacted them. The website needed to be straight to the point detailing key information such as mission statements, services and accreditations. Along with this, to keep in line with the companies branding, I used a dark grey as the main background colour to allow for the use of the green highlight throughout the site as a more accessible format compared to having the green over a white background.