Sanigone provide families and businesses with powerful antiviral and antibacterial products that can be used to keep peoples, families, pets, work colleagues and customers safe from 99.99% of viruses and pathogens.
Designer(s): Vishal Mayo
Developer(s): Vishal Mayo
Platform Built On: WordPress
The challenge
Sanigone were a recent start up company which has grown during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Their products are aimed for disinfecting and sanitising indoor environments and surfaces which have received overwhelming success. Due to this Sanigone have expanded into the dog market by producing cleaning products for the animal. Due to the increase in demand and the new launch, Sanigone was in need of improving their website to provide an easy platform for customers to purchase their products online and showcase why people need their products at home or at work.
The user
Sanigone have a few different audiences that they wanted to attract including the following:
Having quite a range of audiences meant the need to prioritise one. When discussing with Sanigone we established that companies and businesses were the biggest audience and were the biggest income stream for the business. This was the main focus for the website with home and dog owners being secondary target audiences that I would also try to help aim the website towards to gain further income streams.
The outcome
With Sanigone’s main target audience being businesses the main focus was to promote how different industries could be supported with their products. By having individual pages for each industry helps showcase to particular users why Sanigone can help benefit them and their business.
To promoted to other audiences such as home owners and dogs, the ability to promote about why Sanigone is suitable especially since the Covid-19 Pandemic, allows users to compare how their lives have been affected due to the impact of viruses, germs and bacteria. Users will feel the need to want to combat unwanted viruses and will look to Sanigone to help protect themselves, family and their furry friends.
As well as this, having reviews on the site help to show that real people have purchased and used Sanigone’s products and will help provide a sense of trust for a user that Sanigone’s products are of a high standard.

Following the company predominantly focusing on the colours green and white. The company wanted to match the branding colours and typography used on their social media. Whilst this is a different green compared to Sanigone’s actual products, the use of the colour is much more vibrant and attractive to users eyes. When testing with a darker green the site looked very dull and not as engaging when discussed with a target audience to gain feedback.